
The Iowa state team initiated three clinical pilot projects that increased blood lead level testing of young children and conducted data analyses to understand provider testing rates and trends.


  • To increase blood lead level (BLL) testing of children 1 through 3 years in age, especially among 2-year-olds, working with primary care providers.



  • Initiated three clinical pilot projects with Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs) to increase BLLs testing of 12 month-olds through 35-month-olds.
  • Demonstrated increased testing as a result of the pilot projects: one clinic demonstrated a 60 percent increase, and others showed approximately 20 percent increase.

Data Resources

  • Used surveys, data, and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to understand provider testing rates, trends, and reasons for not testing.
  • Created maps of the percentage of children tested by age 0 through 6, by county and year, during 2016–2018.

Guidelines and Recommendations

  • Through the Maternal and Child Environmental Health Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (MCEH CoIIN) work, Iowa’s team highlighted the need for increased testing.
  • A new Title V State Performance Measure was created for the 2021–2026 needs assessment, which is “the percent of children ages 1 through 2 years who receive a blood lead level test in the past year.”
  • Through contractors, Title V, and the Epidemiology (EPI) Update Listserv, Title V included the Iowa Department of Public Health testing guidelines for 12-month-olds through 35-month-olds in the FY2021 Request for Applications.

Education, Training, and Outreach

  • Worked with family partners on education and outreach and ensured family membership on advisory committees.
  • MCEH CoIIN partners collaborated with the University of Iowa to conduct four regional trainings on new educational materials for physicians, nurses, and Title V programs.
  • Encouraged providers to review charts for lead testing.
  • Presented MCEH CoIIN and pilot project work with FQHCs at the Iowa Governor’s Conference on Public Health.


Click here to view the full change package of strategies and actions that Iowa used as they worked to achieve their aims as part of the MCEH CoIIN.


Contact the Iowa Team:

For information about Iowa’s Childhood Blood Lead Testing Program, contact Kevin Officer at

For information about Iowa’s Title V program, contact Analisa Pearson at


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